Epicodus Champions Transparency for Students in Bootcamp Reporting

Epicodus Champions Transparency for Students in Bootcamp Reporting

Here at Epicodus, we value transparency. Especially when it comes to student success. That's why our student outcomes have always been publicly visible right on our website.

As reported this morning by Tech Crunch, we're very proud to announce that we are a founding member of the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting, or CIRR. Composed of top coding schools in the nation including Hack Reactor, Full Stack Academy, Code Fellows, and more, this council aims to standardize reporting of coding school graduate outcomes to provide prospective students reliable, vetted data.

Beginning March 29th, 2017 each CIRR school will publicly report student outcomes using the exact same metrics. This uniformity in reporting will allow prospective students to easily compare schools, and choose the program that best fits their needs.

Outcomes data for 100% of each school's graduates will be available in a single, clear report on their website, including information such as:

  • How many students graduated on time?
  • How many accepted a full-time job in the field for which they trained within six months?
  • How many secured part-time jobs?
  • Did the school itself hire any graduates?
  • How many students jobs are in fields outside of what they studied for?
  • What are the salaries of grads who started jobs in their field of study?

CIRR members will also publish updated reports semi-annually. Beginning with the release of 2017 graduate outcomes, each school's data will also be reviewed and verified by an independent third party.

We're so excited to help establish standards of transparency and accountability in coding schools. We know deciding to attend code school is a big leap, and want to insure students have access to transparent, standardized information to make informed decisions about their education. And we encourage other code schools to do the same. In the words of our CEO Rebecca Gardner, "This is our commitment to providing students with an objective, transparent way to choose a program that's right for them."

You can find more information about the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting, including a full list of participants, reporting standards and metrics on the CIRR website.

Explaining our 2017 Tuition Changes

Explaining our 2017 Tuition Changes

At Epicodus, our mission is to help people learn the skills they need to get great jobs as web developers. We've always worked hard to keep our tuition as affordable as possible while covering our costs. After reviewing our finances from last year, it's clear that we need to make a modest increase in our tuition to continue fulfilling our mission. Beginning on May 22, 2017, our full-time tuition will go up to $5900 if you pay within one week of being accepted, or $7500 if you choose to pay in four installments. Both payment plans cover our 27-week program, which includes a 5-week internship. Here’s how it will work:

20% Up-front discount: $5900

Pay for your entire track within a week of being accepted and pay $1475 per course. Upon completing all four courses in your track, you will be eligible to participate in our internship program and receive job preparation assistance for one year at no additional cost.

Standard tuition: $7500

Pay $100 upon enrolling. Your first payment is due on the first day of class and will be $1775. Your remaining three payments will be $1875, due every five weeks on the first day of class. Upon completing all four courses in your track, you will be eligible to participate in our internship program and receive job preparation assistance for one year at no additional cost.

We still believe you’ll find Epicodus to be the best value for your educational experience, bar none. Even at our new rates we are thousands less than the next comparable school, at 27 weeks our program is significantly longer than others, and our pedagogy and career services achieve strong results.

Recap of SUPER: Women in Tech Live Storytelling

Recap of SUPER: Women in Tech Live Storytelling

By Perry Eising

Now, I’m not unfamiliar with the Portland Tech Scene, in fact, it’s not completely unusual for me to be in the crowd or even on the stage of a tech event, doing ignite talks or presenting workshops at awesome events such as ACT-W and Lesbians Who Tech. (Say hi next time!)

But I hadn’t heard of SUPER: WOMEN IN TECH Live Storytelling, presented by VOX SIREN pdx and backfence pdx at Revolution Hall, and hosted by a two irrepressible and hilarious hosts, B. Frayn Masters and Mindy Nettifee, until about a week before the event. My exposure to live storytelling has been pretty limited, and I wasn’t sure what to expect  when my partner surprised me with two tickets.

But girl, am I glad I went, as this was a fantastic introduction to the genre. SUPER: WOMEN IN TECH Live Storytelling was a completely inspiring smorgasboard of woman tech talent, with people telling their stories that ranged from being unexpectedly successful in tech to being unexpectedly unsuccessful at math (hello learning disability!) and much, much more. In fact, surprise, along with being inspired by unusual circumstances and obscured truths, was a theme that linked much of the evening’s entertainment.

Revolution Hall’s 850 capacity event hall was packed when we arrived at right around 8pm, with free seats looking sparse on the main floor - and with a strong male presence, which I really appreciated. I love seeing women create well attended women’s events, but I also loving seeing men in attendance, especially men who came ready to connect with diverse women’s authentic stories, and we definitely got a strong dose of authenticity right from the get go.

The first presenter was Maria Webster, who took to the stage with such clear presence and such a well crafted, compelling story that I was blown away - taking us through her journey from tech n00b to tech supervisor to tech layoff and back again, all the while weaving this tale through that of her own life & love story with this city. It was super refreshing to hear a perspective that in some ways mirrored my own, and hear her poignant comments about lesbian life and associated cliche’s that made me laugh out loud.

Told at a different pace, but nonetheless equally affecting, was Leah Siddall’s story of (nearly) ending her career before it began, and figuring out she had a little known learning disability called dyscalculia along the way. As a result, she made her way in the world as a programmer for Elemental Technologies instead. As someone who works in tech and struggles disproportionately with numbers, I identify with you! I was once told at face value by a university official that I would never be able to study informatics (and now I reach app and web development @Epicodus instead, so consider yourself proven wrong, unnamed uni). Your story rang so true that I couldn’t help but feel proud of both myself and you, for the obvious struggles we have been through in order to succeed.

Saira Weigel

Saira Weigel

The next story came from Saira Weigel, whose identity as a “straddler” is also one I identify with. Born in India and schooled in Kuwait, Saira’s story clearly ticks more unusual boxes than my background: I was born in England and raised in Germany, and moved to the US in 2005. But that notwithstanding, her perspective on growing up and coming of age in between cultures was meaningful to me. It is true that as immigrants in cross-cultural relationships we never really belong, at least for me. Saira’s story could have been a little shorter and wavered between well-rehearsed and off the cuff, but was nevertheless affecting and meaningful, bringing some much needed international perspective to the show.

The trajectory of having a clear connection to my own life continued with the fourth presenter, Melinda Campbell, currently working at Puppet Labs. Melinda told the story of how her eccentric father became an unlikely role model, and, eventually some-time boss who helped her become successful in her own right. Melinda’s odd, ham radio toting dad who was an insular basement dweller touched a nerve with my partner, while I found familiar ground with Melinda myself: I, too played Leisure Suit Larry, a morally extremely dubious text-adventure from the 80’s; I too, had it supplied to me by an unwitting parent who I couldn’t imagine myself growing up to mirror (and then of course, I did). Leisure Suit Larry was a terrible game, complete with rampant racism, sexism, homophobia, and otherwise sickenly contemporary themes - and not something I’ve thought about over the last 20 years. Incredible to see that one pulled out of the brain vault, and I am so very glad that Melinda dusted that one off for me. Fantastic delivery here, humorous and unique yet oddly universal, this story shone as one of the brightest I heard that night.

Second to last, I was excited to witness my excellent friend Brook Shelley’s presentation on coming into her own, as a trans woman in tech in Texas, nonetheless. And with that experience comes her witnessing of casual and ubiquitous sexism before, during and after her transition. I always appreciate the pure fearlessness and authenticity that Brook brings to all of her public speaking, and this talk was no exception. Her main point, namely that we cannot become like those who oppress us in order to no longer be oppressed, and that we need to come up with an entirely new way of doing things instead is not an easy thing to digest, but an incredibly important perspective. In my opinion, it is one that needs to be championed and presented. I am grateful and proud to be the friend of someone who continues to be authentically herself and do this work - again and again, in many shapes and forms.

Dominique DeGuzman

Dominique DeGuzman

By the time we got to experience the last presentation, by Dominique DeGuzman of LWT San Francisco and Twilio, the crowd had clearly all experienced a rollercoaster of emotions, and was ready to really give Dom the space she needed and the attention she deserved to really bring the show home. While her story of repeated questioning and harassment around her job title (Engineer!) in a technically dense area of the tech field isn’t new, the excruciating detail that Dom spelled out was likely unfamiliar to many in the audience, especially white cisgendered men. The questioning, the embarrassment, the harassment, and clearly stalky tendencies of the perpetrator  - all these made crystal clear not just how these moments of erasure and being challenge  to minority employees in tech fields. But Dom’s story didn’t stop there, in fact, it did something far more important: It made it clear how it feels.

It’s not enough to know that women, gender minorities and racial/ethnic minorities are discriminated against in their fields of employment - most people know that by that, I think. But when we can have a moment, as a straight person, as a white person, as a man, as an able bodied person... when we are able to feel the palpable injustice of discrimination, that has the potential to be a moment of change. And it’s Dom, like Brook, like Melinda, like Leah, like Maria, and sometimes, I hope, like me, who do this work for this very reason - we work to feel ourselves feel. We do the painful work of preserving these moments of harassment and alienation, and rejecting them every time we tell our stories, so you can learn how it feels. We work to bring the us out in you.

I’m so very grateful to all of the presenters on stage last Friday for their work and their vulnerability, for their passion and willingness to show us some parts of themselves. A broad and breathless set of stories, but clearly also just a beginning! I can’t wait for more. 

Perry Eising is tech teacher at Epicodus - specifically for the Android / Mobile Development track. I love dogs, coffee, and speaking truth to power. Find me online @perrysetgo or on linkedin.

Why PHP & Drupal are Cool

Why PHP & Drupal are Cool

When I wrote the PHP / Drupal curriculum and taught the first class, I was surprised by how many students asked me about why there was so much gossip online from people making fun of Drupal, and talking about how much they hate PHP. But for me there’s a lot to love. Every language has its quirks, and that definitely includes PHP and Drupal, but they also have strengths that you can learn to use to your advantage. Creating a finished website or app with a strong foundation that is easy to maintain and grow does not come from the language it’s written in, it has to come from the people who know how to wield the language. A truly good guitar player will make even the oldest pawn shop guitar sing with a soul. And an unskilled guitar player will still sound awkward even if they are playing a perfect $6000 Gibson Les Paul. 

People like to argue that PHP is old and clunky, that it encourages bad practices and it’s insecure. But I believe that these are symptoms of it being misused. It’s true that PHP began its life humbly, back in 1994 it was created by Rasmus Lerdorf to simply track people who were looking at his online resume. However, for over 20 years it has evolved and matured. Nowadays if you look at the usage statistics, PHP is incredibly popular and a very desirable skill in the job market, used by high profile sites like Facebook and Twitter. 

Don’t get me wrong, if you really want to you can still certainly write very messy, insecure, overly complex code in PHP, but you can do that in any language. PHP also has all the tools you need to write elegant code if you learn the right techniques.

People like to complain about Drupal too, and that makes me sad because it can be so useful and so much fun. Then again, people like to complain about things because it’s fun to have opinions. And regardless of whether or not it’s one person’s favorite tool, it is used all over the place by high profile organizations such as the EconomistWeather.com,  HarvardStanford, even the White House, and many more. People say that Drupal has a steep learning curve, and that is true. It’s not like MVC frameworks, it has its own terminology and database system. But if you open your mind and learn about this new way of thinking there is a big payoff. 

Drupal is not just a boring way to organize lots of pages, it truly is very flexible. My favorite thing about Drupal is that it does a lot of standard things immediately out of the box, butit allows you to customize anything. You can get as deep as you want - as long as you understand the system and the tools it was built with - mostly our hero PHP, but you will also encounter JavaScript and of course HTML and CSS. For example, pretty much any website or app needs a way for users to log in and store their account data securely. You also need a way to block off certain parts of your website to certain users if they aren’t logged in, or if they don’t have a special Admin account. This can be quite time consuming and difficult in other languages, but in Drupal, you can do this easily without even touching code. 

That doesn’t mean you never have to code in Drupal - it just means that you get to skip right to the interesting parts. 

People say that Drupal is unwieldy and slow, and it can be if you let it, but if you learn how to use it correctly Drupal can be a powerful weapon in your arsenal of developer tools. It is well suited to whipping up small personal blogs in a single day, but is built to scale up to large corporate websites with interactivity and thousands of pages of content. Having both of those capabilities in one system is very difficult to achieve. If you truly learn how it works, Drupal is not something that you are going to hit a brick wall with and find out something is impossible. You may find yourself banging your head against a wall from time to time, but that is usually because you just need to take a step back and see that there is a door built in right next to you. And if there isn’t a door, you can learn the tools to build one yourself. 

That is the most powerful thing about learning with hands on practice building projects every day the way we do at Epicodus. Learning how to learn is language independent. Many graduates of Epicodus go on to work in languages that they didn’t learn about at school. But that is because they learned learned how to build with a strong foundation regardless of which tools are at their disposal. 

Diane Douglas can be found in Philadelphia nowadays. Check out her own projects in Drupal, Angular and music technology at www.melodiccode.com or say hi on LinkedIn.

Epicodus Wins Industry Awards and Badges!

Epicodus Wins Industry Awards and Badges!

Epicodus is proud to be a recipient of the SwitchUp Best Bootcamp Award, and to be included on Value College’s list of ‘Top 25 University-Affiliated Coding Bootcamps’ as well Training Industry’s ‘Top Coding Bootcamp Companies List’!

SwitchUp is a coding bootcamp directory that uses its resources to help aspiring programmers find the right coding school for their needs. Epicodus was awarded the SwitchUp 2016 Best Bootcamp Award based on 2016 alumni reviews, ratings, and course data. With a rating of 4.9 stars from 93 reviews, Epicodus is one of SwitchUp’s Top Bootcamps. Glowing tributes to our institution such as the following have been displayed on SwitchUp:

“I took courses at Epicodus a while back, and am now working full-time as a developer. The classes offered a personal and effective education and provided a good network and valuable work experience. I got portfolio pieces, an understanding of the industry, and the tools to find a job all for a much more affordable price than other leading competitors. The staff are beyond friendly and helpful, and they make being successful possible and enjoyable.”

Epicodus’s reputation as a coding school that provides excellent value for money has been augmented by its inclusion in Value College’s Top 25 University-Affiliated Coding Bootcamps. Particular mention was given to the “flipped” classroom structure of Epicodus, where students are responsible for their learning and progress through the practice of ‘pair-programming’. This is the hallmark of learning how to code at Epicodus and has always been a major area of focus in ensuring that our students become successful programmers.


Continuing the theme of recognition by industry leaders and students alike, Epicodus is extremely honored to announce its inclusion in Training Industry’s Top Coding Bootcamp Companies List. Training Industry recognizes the importance of the crucial role that coding bootcamps play in closing the skills gap for talented coders across companies of all size and industries. Companies selected as part of the inaugural 2016 list stand out as some of the best training companies in the IT field, bringing in a new and innovative approach to upskilling employees and prospective coders. Epicodus was evaluated on the following categories and was judged to be a major player in the coding bootcamp industry:

  • Leadership and innovation in coding-related 
  • Company size and growth potential
  • Quality and number of clients/users
  • Geographic reach
  • Awards, recognition and competitive differentiation

As a recognized pioneer in the coding bootcamp and coding school industry, Epicodus is honored and humbled to be the recipient of these three revered awards. Such accolades will spur us on to continue to provide exemplary educational services while encouraging aspiring coders today to become successful programmers tomorrow.

Finding a Junior Dev Job: Negotiating Your Salary

Finding a Junior Dev Job: Negotiating Your Salary

Helping our students find great jobs is a huge part of what we do at Epicodus. In fact, it’s our mission. Over the years, we’ve accrued quite a bit of job-hunting knowledge to help set our students apart. Over the past few weeks, we’ve shared our best tips and tricks for junior developers who are looking for their first jobs. You can find all of the posts in this series here.

So you made it through your interview, and your prospective employer has brought up what your salary will be. Congratulations! Negotiating a salary can be a bit terrifying, though, so here are some tips to help you out.

Do your research in the city where you'll be working. Different cities can have drastically different average starting salaries for junior devs. Learn the salary range for the city you're in, and weigh where you think you would fall in that spectrum. If your technical skills are on the weaker side, you're interviewing for a job with tools or languages you haven't used before, and/or you don't have much professional experience, you'll probably make on the lower end of the spectrum; if you are very strong technically and have at least a few years of professional experience, you'll probably make on the higher end.  Use the numbers as a starting point, and even share them with prospective employers when appropriate.

In the long run, though, your first salary really isn't that important. Within a year or two of working as a developer, you'll almost certainly make at least $20k more than wherever you start. The most important thing is to get a job, and if you have options, to take a job where you're more excited about the work you'll be doing.

Though your first salary might not be that important,  it's worth your time to learn how to get a higher offer. In negotiation, you need to know who has more to lose. If you're charming and technically very strong, you have little to lose - you can walk away and probably get another offer somewhere else. If your interview skills aren't great and your technical skills are weaker, the employer has the upper hand.

When the employer has the upper hand, try to get more information from them. If they ask you for your desired salary, tell them "I haven't worked in this field before, so I'm not completely sure what to expect. What have you paid people in this position before?" Work that angle hard before putting any numbers out of your own. Then, feel free to share the salary ranges above.

If you have the upper hand, you might consider opening with a high salary requirement to set the expectation high. For example, you might say "I made $65k in my last job, so I'm looking for something in that range," and expect to settle somewhere around $60k. If you let them open the negotiation with an offer of $50k, you might have a hard time getting it above $55k. But make sure your expectations are realistic - you are coming in as an entry-level developer, and you will likely be an investment for anybody who hires you. If you have a lot of career experience, you very well may start out making less until you get at least a few months of experience working.

My Transformation from Retail to QA to Software Development

My Transformation from Retail to QA to Software Development

"Five years ago, I graduated with a Business degree and no real idea what I wanted to do. I had a vague idea that I wanted to be an ‘inspiring, charismatic leader’ of some sort, but little else beyond that. After nine months of job hunting, I finally landed a position as a manager at Target. Cut to a year and a half later, and I was burnt out, disillusioned, and ready for a change. That change came quickly. I applied for a Quality Assurance (QA) position at a local tech company and was offered the job. This was my big break into software development...."

Read more on EyeCue Labs' blog!

Finding a Junior Dev Job: Decoding the Technical Interview

Finding a Junior Dev Job: Decoding the Technical Interview

Helping our students find great jobs is a huge part of what we do at Epicodus. In fact, it’s our mission. Over the years, we’ve accrued quite a bit of job-hunting knowledge to help set our students apart. In the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing our best tips and tricks for junior developers who are looking for their first jobs.

A technical interview, or technical portion of an interview, will focus on your coding knowledge and problem solving skills. The purpose is to get an idea of how you think, and what strengths you can bring to their company.

A technical interview is, for many, the most stressful part of the job-hunting process. Coding is hard enough on your own or with a pair, but now you're going to be asked to solve coding and pseudo-coding problems in front of potential employers. The key is to practice before the real thing, so you're not too nervous when you're in the real thing.

Job interviews can take many formats. Some employers will conduct a pairing interview, where you'll pair program with your interviewer. Sometimes this will be on a standard problem the employer uses to evaluate candidates; sometimes it will be on real work that the employer has; and occasionally they may ask you to pair on one of your own projects. This is an excellent interview format, as it tests what you'll actually be doing on the job, and doesn't really require any special prep. Unfortunately, only a minority of employers use this format.

Another common format is to send you requirements for a simple program, ask you to solve it on your own time without outside help, and send them back a solution. This could be a full-blown web app or just a simple server-side or JavaScript program. A variation on this format is to ask you to come into their office and build the app on your own, within a couple hours. Again, this format is fairly nice because it tests the way you work, and doesn't really require a whole lot of special preparation.

Whiteboard Questions

The more difficult interviews will involve answering technical questions out loud, or "whiteboarding" a solution to a coding problem - sketching out a visual and/or pseudo-code solution to a problem, and talking out loud about your thought process as you go. This is one of the most common interview formats, and where you should spend a good amount of extra time preparing.

There are three things you should make sure to do when you get an in-person technical question:

  1. Ask clarifying questions. Often, your interviewer will intentionally be vague about something or leave out information. Don't be shy about asking for clarification or more information!
  2. Talk out loud. Even when you have no idea where to go, don't just stand there silently. The interviewer wants to hear your thought process, even if it's just you coming up with ideas and then saying why they won't work or are wrong. You should strive to talk constantly.
  3. Admit when you don’t know something. When you don't know something, it will be obvious to the interviewer. If you try to "BS" your way through a question, you will most likely not get the answer, or the job. Just say "I don't know," or if applicable, "I don't know, but here's how I might figure it out."

An excellent practice method for this type of question is to find a resource for code challenge questions, and practice talking out loud while you solve the problem. You can do this while writing the answer on a sheet of paper, or even with a dry-erase marker on the bathroom mirror. The main practice point is to write the code by hand, and explain what you're doing while you're doing it. You can find some great sample challenges to work on from CoderByte

Open Questions

Another type of question you get in a technical interview may not require you to code at all. These questions may come in addition to a code question, and are open ended discussion questions designed to give you a chance to showcase your knowledge. It's important to take advantage of these opportunities, as you have the freedom to highlight your strongest area of knowledge.

Here are some sample interview questions:

  • Name every database association relationship.
  • What is the difference between POST request and a GET request?
  • What is Git and why would you use it?
  • What happens when a user logs into a website?
  • What is a class?
  • What is an object?
  • What is unit testing?
  • What happens when a user types in a URL?
  • What is a foreign key?
  • What is REST?
  • Pretend I’m another programmer who has never used Drupal/.NET/Rails– explain to me how an app is structured, and why it’s a good framework for web apps.
  • Show me some code you wrote that you're especially proud of.
  • Talk about a time that you solved a difficult coding problem.
  • What is an array?
  • Explain MVC.
  • What is a join table in SQL?
  • What is floating in CSS?
  • What are media queries and how do you use them?
  • You've been working on a site for a couple months here at our company. You come in one day and the site is down. What do you do?

Final Thoughts

Here is some great advice taken from a presentation on technical interviews:

  • Make sure you understand the question. Do not start until you do! Ask for clarification if you're at all unsure.
  • Use the programming language you're most familiar with. It doesn't matter if the interviewer is unfamiliar with that language. They can probably figure it out. They can consult colleagues after with any questions.
  • Verbalize your thought processes. Don't just stand there and do nothing while you think about the problem. Talk about what you're thinking, discuss the pros and cons. Think out loud!
  • If you don't know something, admit it. The interviewer may give you a hint, or move on to another question.

Meet the Interns: Jordan Meier

Meet the Interns: Jordan Meier

"Recently, Cheeky Monkey Media selected two interns from the Epicodus Drupal Development Track. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Epicodus, it is “a vocational school for aspiring programmers” based in Portland, Oregon.

After what seemed like weeks of listening to Gene and Rick interview potential interviews, where they asked them, along with a number of other things, whether they preferred Starship Enterprise or the Millennium Falcon, we finally settled on Jordan Meier and Jared Beckler  (pssst, read his story here).

Eager to get to know the new monkeys, who seemed pretty cool, we decided to ask them some questions, mostly not about Drupal or their developer capabilities. After all, we don’t need to ask them what they can do with a keyboard, we see their work."

Read more on Cheeky Monkey's blog!

Finding a Junior Dev Job: Nailing the Non-Technical Interview

Finding a Junior Dev Job: Nailing the Non-Technical Interview

Helping our students find great jobs is a huge part of what we do at Epicodus. In fact, it’s our mission. Over the years, we’ve accrued quite a bit of job-hunting knowledge to help set our students apart. In the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing our best tips and tricks for junior developers who are looking for their first jobs.


Interviewing skills are an important part of a job search. If you're a student at Epicodus, you'll have the opportunity to participate in a mock interview with a member of our staff, and practice answering some typical questions. The more seriously you take it, the more you can learn as you move forward. There are some basics to consider as you prepare for any interview.

  • Dress appropriately for an interview.
  • Conduct yourself in a professional manner
  • Have relevant and appropriate answers for questions.
  • Have relevant questions for your interviewer.
  • Stay relaxed, and enjoy the opportunity to teach someone about yourself, and learn about a company.


During our mock interviews, we use questions that cover a few areas. These are by no means comprehensive, and some interviews may focus on one area or another, but as a general rule these are present in one form or another in just about every interview. 

Personal Questions

These are "get to know you" questions about yourself, and about your previous education, experience and motivations.

  • Tell me about yourself. What's your background?
  • Why did you get into programming?
  • What made you pick code school?
  • Where do you see yourself in the future?

Your goal should be to explain the ways life has been preparing you to become a developer. General biographical information should be kept to a minimum. If you have prior programming experience you can talk about any coding you did as a kid or in school. If you're newer to coding you can emphasize parts of jobs where you worked with computers or spreadsheets, and tell about any computer skills you developed on your own.

Either way, make sure to emphasize the skills that have served you well as a student and developer, for example problem solving skills, critical thinking, organizational skills and so on. You want to show the interviewer you're passionate by illustrating how these skills have come up in different ways throughout your life.

Programming Questions

These are discussion questions which give you a chance to showcase your knowledge about programming tools and concepts. This is different from a technical question.

  • What problems do you see with current web development tools?
  • What do you like about current web development trends?
  • How do you stay active in the tech community?
  • What are your strategies to approach a problem that is initially beyond your capabilities?
  • What frameworks have you used?
  • What testing tools have you used?

Workplace Questions

The interviewer will want to know about your motivations and experiences in the workplace. These questions are a good chance to highlight your communication, teamwork, and work ethic.

  • What kind of culture do you want in your workplace?
  • What are some of the challenges you faced while pairing?
  • Give an example of how you resolved a disagreement with your pair.
  • How would you communicate with team members that are not developers?
  • Tell me about the intern project you worked on.
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • Why should we hire you?

Be well prepared for these interview questions and know how to answer them. These are generally less about your technical skill set and more about your work ethic and ability to collaborate with others. The general format they’re looking for is called S.T.A.R. It means:

  • Situation: (In my job at x company)
  • Task: (I had to accomplish y thing)
  • Action: (To that end I did z thing)
  • Result: (This is what ended up happening or what I learned)

Open Discussion

Just about every interviewer will close out by asking if you have any questions. You should have at least a couple prepared ahead of time. The most effective ones show an interest in the company and in being a positive addition to it. Questions about the team and culture of the company and where you would fit in are also really good. It's important to have some questions prepared that will help you decide if this is a good fit for you. Make sure to ask about things that haven't been covered in previous conversation.

  • Can you give me an example of a recent challenge or project you've been faced with?
  • What are the priorities for this position evaluated?
  • If I am offered the position, what kinds of opportunities will I have to work with veteran developers?
  • What are the greatest challenges for those in this role?
  • What opportunities will I have to learn new skills/continue my education?