Here at Epicodus, we value transparency. Especially when it comes to student success. That's why our student outcomes have always been publicly visible right on our website.

As reported this morning by Tech Crunch, we're very proud to announce that we are a founding member of the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting, or CIRR. Composed of top coding schools in the nation including Hack Reactor, Full Stack Academy, Code Fellows, and more, this council aims to standardize reporting of coding school graduate outcomes to provide prospective students reliable, vetted data.

Beginning March 29th, 2017 each CIRR school will publicly report student outcomes using the exact same metrics. This uniformity in reporting will allow prospective students to easily compare schools, and choose the program that best fits their needs.

Outcomes data for 100% of each school's graduates will be available in a single, clear report on their website, including information such as:

  • How many students graduated on time?
  • How many accepted a full-time job in the field for which they trained within six months?
  • How many secured part-time jobs?
  • Did the school itself hire any graduates?
  • How many students jobs are in fields outside of what they studied for?
  • What are the salaries of grads who started jobs in their field of study?

CIRR members will also publish updated reports semi-annually. Beginning with the release of 2017 graduate outcomes, each school's data will also be reviewed and verified by an independent third party.

We're so excited to help establish standards of transparency and accountability in coding schools. We know deciding to attend code school is a big leap, and want to insure students have access to transparent, standardized information to make informed decisions about their education. And we encourage other code schools to do the same. In the words of our CEO Rebecca Gardner, "This is our commitment to providing students with an objective, transparent way to choose a program that's right for them."

You can find more information about the Council on Integrity in Results Reporting, including a full list of participants, reporting standards and metrics on the CIRR website.